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Whether an industry announcement, or a hotel accomplishment, Green Lodging News reports on the most up-to-date news and offers a unique perspective on trends—all with the purpose of making your company more profitable. Got news or a story idea to share? We frequently post contributed articles here. Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

News & Features

Home News & Features
Whether an industry announcement, or a hotel accomplishment, Green Lodging News reports on the most up-to-date news and offers a unique perspective on trends—all with the purpose of making your company more profitable. Got news or a story idea to share? We frequently post contributed articles here. Contact Glenn Hasek, editor, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at: greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.

Florida DEP Welcomes Bridge Water Inn to Green Lodging Program

MATLACHA, FLA.—The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced the addition of the Bridge Water Inn to its Florida Green Lodging Program. The voluntary state initiative provides the lodging industry with technical assistance, encouraging hotels and motels to adopt cost-saving green practices that reduce waste and conserve natural resources. “More than 60 percent of the average hotel’s solid waste is recyclable,” says Colleen M. Castille, DEP secretary. “By implementing reuse programs and conserving resources, the Bridge Water Inn is reinforcing its commitment to preserving Florida’s environment.” The Bridge Water Inn conserves water and energy through linen...

ARAMARK Recognized with National, State Environmental Awards

PHILADELPHIA—ARAMARK Harrison Lodging (AHL) has been recognized with two prestigious awards for environmental stewardship. The 2006 Environmental Achievement Award was received from the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and a 2006 Governor’s Pride in Arizona Award from Arizona Clean and Beautiful was also awarded. AHL, a division of ARAMARK, is a provider of meeting and recreational support services to conference and corporate training centers, specialty hotels, national and state parks, resorts and other tourist destinations throughout the United States. “Protecting natural resources is a vital part of our company’s service and commitment to our guests, employees...

Aspen Skiing Co. Added to EPA’s Performance Track Program

WASHINGTON, D.C.—An increasing number of organizations are recognizing benefits to their bottom line and the environment by committing to go beyond regulatory requirements. Among the 32 additional facilities added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Environmental Performance Track program is Aspen Skiing Co. “The more organizations that are engaged in the search for continuous improvement, the more we can achieve in terms of environmental results and effective partnerships,” says Performance Track director Dan Fiorino. “We congratulate our newest round of member facilities as they chart new paths toward environmental excellence.” The National Environmental Performance Track program recognizes...

Hot in Pursuit of gold LEED Certification, Gaia Napa Valley Opens

AMERICAN CANYON, CALIF.—The Gaia Napa Valley, a hotel incorporating environmentally friendly building design and technology, has opened here. The 133-room hotel, set on four acres, was designed to appeal to ecotourists. The hotel is pursuing gold LEED certification. The hotel will use solar power, water-saving techniques and certified wood, harvested with the long-term health of forests in mind. A mural by world-renowned artist Yuan Lee reflects on the spirit, beauty and resources of nature in the Napa Valley and surrounding areas. The hotel’s half-acre lagoon has its own ecosystem and is surrounded by a lush garden with...

From the Lawn to the Restroom, Hotels Find New Ways to Trim Water Usage

NATIONAL REPORT—Being high-volume water users, hotels are always looking for new ways to reduce their water consumption, especially in areas where water supplies are scarce—such as in large portions of the western United States. One water-saving method that has become near standard concerns the daily washing of linens and towels. Hotels have begun allowing guests to decide for themselves if their linens and towels can go another day before washing and replacing. Guests can hang up towels for reuse or leave them on the floor to receive freshly washed ones. Although significant water reductions—and savings—have been attained...

Green Mountain College Now Powered by Vermont Dairy Cows

POULTNEY, VT.—In a state where it’s often theorized there are more cows than people, Green Mountain College believes it may now be the nation’s first cow-powered campus. The liberal arts college, which offers various courses in hospitality management, has just announced its enrollment in Central Vermont Public Service’s (CVPS) Cow Power program. Through it, the utility delivers energy created from burning biogas created from cow manure on Vermont dairy farms. This initiative helps the college do its part to address global warming by reducing its carbon emissions by approximately 3,500 metric tons per year, or the equivalent of...

Wolverine State Launches New Green Lodging Program

LANSING, MICH.—Robert W. Swanson, director of the Department of Labor & Economic Growth (DLEG), announced a new program aimed at environmental conservation and a more competitive lodging industry in Michigan. Green Lodging Michigan (GLM) encourages hotels, resorts, motels, and bed & breakfast facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving green practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchasing. “It’s like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval of being green,” Swanson said. “It is the mark of environmental responsibility of hoteliers who show a commitment to green business practices and can...

Canad Inns Will Be 100 Percent Nonsmoking as of November 30

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA—Canad Inns announced it will be 100 percent smoke free as of November 30. The company has been phasing in the policy the past few months. All renovated hotel rooms have been designated nonsmoking as they are brought into inventory. Canad Inns-Transcona has been smoke free since March 2006. “At Canad Inns, we want to provide our guests with the most enjoyable experience possible,” says Leo Ledohowski, president & C.E.O. “Our new smoke-free environment will make our Canad Certified Four Star Standard a better experience for all our guests.” The new smoking policy will include all...

Starwood Capital Group Launches New Eco-Friendly Hotel and Residences Concept

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y.—Starwood Capital Group, led by Barry Sternlicht, announced the launching of “1” Hotel and Residences, the first luxury, eco-friendly global hotel brand. The concept will combine the best of environmentally sustainable architecture and interior design with luxury service and comfort. “1” will adhere to green construction and operating principles and commit to environmentally sensitive consumption of natural resources. “1” will demonstrate that green principles can coexist and enhance a luxury hospitality experience and healthy residential lifestyle. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has agreed to be an environmental advisor on “1” with the initial goal of...

EPA Says Americans Recycling More, Throwing Away Less

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Americans are recycling more and throwing away less according to a new report released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson, speaking at the National Recycling Coalition Conference in Atlanta, announced that the United States recycled 32 percent of its waste in 2005. Including composting, Americans recycled 79 million tons, representing a 2 percent increase from 2004 and a huge jump from 16 percent in 1990. “President Bush and EPA are transforming our throw-away culture into a recycling culture,” says EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. “Environmental responsibility is everyone’s responsibility. With our...