Founded on the belief that there is no single item or product that will bring together a sustainable product that meets the degradation criteria, production synergies, meshes with all products (rigid and flexible) at a price point that is acceptable to everyone. MultiPlast Systems Inc. (MSI) owns formulas that offer a product that helps bridge the gap between reality and functionality.

MultiPlast Systems Inc. produces and sells Bio-Enhanced Degradable Additive (BEDA®) to plastic manufacturers and distributors worldwide.  The look, feel, performance and integrity are not changed when BEDA® is added.

BEDA®’s benefits truly begin when product is dumped into a landfill.  Since 75.8% of plastic ends up in a landfill, this becomes a highly valued and legitimate solution to increase the degradation process in landfills versus products that have no additive. BEDA provides a natural solution to combat this worldwide problem.

For more information, contact Jeff Apisdorf at (440) 349-0800 or e-mail japisdorf@multiplastsystems.com.