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It is Time to Renew Your Subscription to Green Lodging News!


Periodically, print trade publications go through the process of asking their subscribers to renew their subscriptions (the reason no e-mail newsletter was delivered to subscribers this week). This is a very common practice. It is an important step for publications to take. There are all kinds of reasons addresses change: businesses move offices, people change jobs, some people go to that great zip code in the sky.

Green Lodging News just turned four years old. In the four years that Hasek Communications has been publishing Green Lodging News, it has not asked its readers to renew their subscriptions to the weekly Green Lodging News e-mail newsletter (Mondays) and weekly Green Supplier Spotlight (Wednesdays). Now is that time. In order to continue to receive the two weekly publications, you will have to enter your e-mail address in the “Subscribe” field in the top left area of the Green Lodging News home page. Here is what will then need to happen:

1. Hit “Enter” on your keyboard or click the “>>” icon next to the box.
2. Follow the instructions in the pop-up and in the e-mail that will be sent to you.
3. Tell your colleagues to sign up for the e-newsletters as well!

If you do not go through the above steps, you will no longer receive Green Lodging News e-publications.

For those of you reading this article who have never received Green Lodging News e-publications, please be sure to sign up. Green Lodging News, published by Hasek Communications L.L.C., just turned four years old this month. The publication is doing great, with an expected 60,000 total visitors stopping by the Green Lodging News website this month.

The Green Lodging News site was just redesigned and now has two new video sections—Vendor Videos and More Cool Videos. Be sure to check them out. The Green Product & Service Directory has been expanded; it now includes more than 50 product and service categories. A new “Certification Programs” page was added, Green Lodging News tweets on Twitter are now visible on the home page, and one can now bookmark and share any article appearing on the site.

Thank you very much for all of your past readership and sales support. Thank you also for your patience as Green Lodging News goes through this new sign-up process. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at (440) 243-2055, or e-mail editor@greenlodgingnews.com.