Home Energy Management INNCOM, SAFLOK Collaborate on RF Interface for EMS

INNCOM, SAFLOK Collaborate on RF Interface for EMS


ORLANDO—INNCOM International and SAFLOK recently displayed their joint collaboration of a radio-frequency (RF) interface for energy management at the Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition & Conference (HITEC) that provides a cost-effective EMS for hotels by allowing the electronic door lock and thermostat to communicate wirelessly. The joint integration, introduced first in November 2009, was quickly adopted across the industry due to its ability to allow hotels to use the door lock to communicate via RF to the thermostat. Every time the door is opened, it communicates to the thermostat and enables energy management algorithms to take effect and thus reduce a hotel’s operating expenses.

“INNCOM and SAFLOK have successfully deployed a cost-effective, wireless RF solution across the hospitality industry that effectively impacts the efficiency of hotels, immediately improves the bottom line, and positively influences the guest experience,” said John Tavares, INNCOM’s v.p. of marketing and sales. “Our RF-based wireless platform for temperature and lighting control, energy management and other applications, when combined with SAFLOK locks, provides hotels with even better room automation and security, property-wide communications and in-room controls.

A Proven Technology

“RF technology gives hotels the ability to operate in a wireless environment, and that is so critical today for improving on energy costs and improving enterprise communications,” he said. “This is not new or revolutionary technology, but a solution that is proven at countless hotels that once operated in an offline environment. The wireless RF infrastructure provided by INNCOM and SAFLOK keeps guests comfortable and keep the hotel operating more energy efficiently and secure.”

Kerry Hirschy, SAFLOK senior vice president of sales and marketing for Kaba Lodging Systems, said his company has significant experience with RF, and that expertise has been proven to enhance both security and energy across the industry.

“This is not ‘groundbreaking’ to the hospitality industry, nor is it an ‘innovation slated as the next wave of wireless online systems,’” Hirschy said. “Rather, it is proven technology already being used by our customers who consider SAFLOK and INNCOM to be the technology innovators who continually raise industry standards.

“Together, INNCOM and SAFLOK are committed to helping hotels be their very best and providing exceptional service to guests,” he said.