Home Sales & Marketing Gaia Napa Valley Hotel and Spa Installs GreenTouchscreen from Quality Attributes Software

Gaia Napa Valley Hotel and Spa Installs GreenTouchscreen from Quality Attributes Software


AMERICAN CANYON, CALIF.—The Gaia Napa Valley Hotel and Spa, now open in American Canyon, Calif., has installed a GreenTouchscreen from Quality Attributes Software to educate visitors about the numerous green aspects of the facility.

Gaia’s GreenTouchscreen educates guests by displaying the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) checklist. Historical electricity, water and CO2 graphs compare this efficient facility to an average hotel to educate users of the energy saving benefits, and a system animation demonstrates how the hotel uses a photovoltaic array to help generate electricity. Multiple screens around the lobby and a channel on every hotel room television also display real time gauges monitoring the building’s CO2 emissions, electricity and water use.

Guests can view the floor plans or search for a specific room to find where they need to go. The kiosk’s easy-to-use navigation and art inspired animations create a user-friendly experience for people of all ages.

The recent grand opening attracted a lot of attention because Gaia Napa Valley is such an eco-friendly hotel. In attendance were over 400 people, including four different chamber of commerce groups and CBS news.

“Everyone was excited about the hotel and the GreenTouchscreen kiosk,” says Yuan-Sing Chang, of Atman Hospitality Group, which operates the hotel. “It seemed that everyone who walked through the door used the kiosk and was intrigued by the real-time gauges.”

To view the GAIA Napa Valley GreenTouchscreen live over the Internet, go to http://napavalley.gaia.greentouchscreen.com. GreenTouchscreen is a product of Quality Attributes Software, located in the heart of the Silicon Prairie in Ames, Iowa. For more information, go to www.greentouchscreen.com.