Home Cleaning & Maintenance Green Seal Awards Specialty Cleaner Certification to PortionPac

Green Seal Awards Specialty Cleaner Certification to PortionPac


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Green Seal announced that PortionPac Chemical Corporation’s Pot & Pan Detergent and NeutraPac Floor Neutralizer have achieved certification as the first Green Seal-certified specialty cleaning products on the market.

Meeting the GS-53 standard (Specialty Cleaning Products for Industrial and Institutional Use) means that these products meet strict environmental criteria and perform as well or better than others in their class.

“We applaud PortionPac for developing new products that meet the stringent requirements of the GS-53 standard,” said Arthur Weissman, Ph.D., president and CEO of Green Seal. “PortionPac’s continued leadership in sustainability is an inspiration for the entire industry.”

Green Seal’s holistic approach to certification involves evaluating every step of a product’s creation from manufacture to disposal. GS-53 criteria cover health and environmental impacts, functional performance, the manufacturing process, packaging materials, labeling, and training. The evaluation process includes review of data; assessment of promotional materials; and an on-site audit of manufacturing facilities. Annual monitoring is also conducted to ensure continued compliance.

‘Gold Standard Among Certifications’

“We have pursued Green Seal certification for our products because it improves the chemistry of our products as well as the environmental impact of our business,” said PortionPac president Burt Klein. “Our customers consider it the gold standard among certifications in the marketplace.”

Pot & Pan Detergent is a blend of high-foaming detergents, solvents and water conditioning agents used for manual cleaning, and scrubbing of pots, pans, kettles, sheet pans, and utensils.

NeutraPac Floor Neutralizer prolongs the life of floors and carpets by removing the film and residue of ice-melting compounds. It neutralizes alkaline residue after floor-stripping, and conditions floors for better adhesion of floor finish. It also neutralizes carpet to remove alkalinity from dirt-trapping detergent residues.

“These two products now join the five other Green Seal-certified product groups in our line,” said PortionPac president Burt Klein. PortionPac’s other Green Seal-certified product groups include its SteamPac Carpet Extraction Cleaner, ScrubPac All Purpose Cleaners, BowlPac bathroom cleaners, MopPacLite Floor Cleaners, and GlassPac Glass Cleaners.

Go to PortionPac and Green Seal.