Home Energy Management WattStopper Adds YouTube Channel

WattStopper Adds YouTube Channel


SANTA CLARA, CALIF.—WattStopper has created a YouTube channel in order to share its growing video library with a wider audience. Viewers can choose from numerous informative short subjects on topics ranging from installing specific controls to selecting high ROI control investments. The channel is updated frequently, and subscribers receive automatic notifications when new content is added. Viewers can watch the videos on mobile devices as well as their computers.

By uploading video content to YouTube, WattStopper enables sales reps and distributors to incorporate this informative content in their own communications, providing added value to customers. The YouTube channel also directly reaches installers and end users interested in learning about lighting controls.

One of the channel’s most-watched videos illustrates the 66 percent time savings realized when installing digital lighting controls versus traditional analog controls. Other popular videos help viewers understand how to most effectively implement control solutions. A recent posting features guest speaker Michael Siminovitch, director of the California Lighting Technology Center, and WattStopper president, Jerry Mix, explaining how advanced sequences of operation maximize energy savings and ROI. An earlier video on the financial benefits of cost-effective lighting controls introduces WattStopper’s IES Progress Award-winning online energy savings calculators for both lighting and plug loads.

WattStopper’s YouTube channel is just one facet of the company’s extensive online presence that is making it easier for lighting control professionals and consumers to stay connected with the company. In addition to inviting viewers to subscribe to the new channel, WattStopper also encourages dialogue on social media sites, maintaining active presences on Facebook and Twitter.

Go to WattStopper.