Home Sales & Marketing RezHub.com Introduces Hotel Green Audit Via Green Travel Hub

RezHub.com Introduces Hotel Green Audit Via Green Travel Hub


ORLANDO, FLA.—RezHub.com has launched its Hotel Green Audit, a fully validated self-auditing system allowing hotels within its system to list and manage their environmentally friendly amenities. The Hotel Green Audit by RezHub.com allows hotels and other properties to list and manage their sustainable and environmentally friendly practices to become a part of the Green Travel Hub’s green hotel directory.

“Hotels have a strong desire to be listed as eco-friendly on RezHub.com due to its unique tools and marketing capabilities to the traveling public,” says Erik Folgate, social media and marketing coordinator.

RezHub.com was the first online travel agency (OTA) to identify green hotels in the booking path and remains the only online travel agency to detail each property’s green hotel score (in number of green branches—determined by its proprietary scoring system), a list of the green amenities provided by the hotel and the ability to filter by and sort by green score. These tools, provided directly in the booking path, enable green hotels to stand out from competitors.

Hotel managers and other verifiable team members can access the Hotel Green Audit at www.rezhub.com/green-audit.aspx, where a graphical interface will direct the audit process which includes finding the correct property, completing the audit process and validating the results. RezHub.com has put in validation measures to ensure the most correct information is published to the Internet before committing the audit to its live directory. The audit is validated in one of three ways: by a green hotel badge placed on the hotel’s website, a unique file place on the root of the hotel’s website, or an e-fax sent on official hotel letterhead.

The previously mentioned dynamic green badge has been the most popular choice from hoteliers that have participated in the Hotel Green Audit thus far due to its relative ease of implementation and visual effectiveness. The recently released CMI Green Traveler Study of 2009 revealed that a majority of green travelers will look first to a hotel’s own website to check for environmentally friendly activities. The green badge is a visually pleasing and immediate medium to describe not only the designation as a green hotel, but also the level of commitment the hotel has put into becoming more sustainable in terms of its green score.