Home Energy Management Saunders’ Renovation of Comfort Inn Includes Many Green Features

Saunders’ Renovation of Comfort Inn Includes Many Green Features


BOSTON—The Comfort Inn & Suites Logan International Airport, a Saunders Group Hotel, is nearing completion of a multi-million dollar eco-driven renovation. Today more than 90 green practices are in place including in-room recycling bins, a food waste composting program that engages guests, a laundry ozone system that eliminates most hot water usage, spa-quality shampoo and soap dispensing systems that eliminate 270 thousand small bottles from entering the waste stream, a pool ionizing system which makes the water sparkling clean without unhealthy chlorine, and a small fleet of CNG (compressed natural gas) shuttles. To promote excellent indoor air quality, the hotel introduced low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints along with Green Seal certified cleaners and air fresheners.

“Our new design is a win for the environment and a bigger win for our guests,” says Katrina D’Argenis, general manager. “In this economy, budget-savvy travelers insist on great value, outstanding service and consistent, quality accommodations—this renovation is the smartest way to meet those needs.”

Choice Hotels International recently declared the hotel the greenest of its 5,000 properties nationwide. Each material, fabric and finish was researched and selected for its highest sustainability footprint and lowest environmental impact. Even the property’s new landscaping was designed to use 95 percent indigenous plants and trees that need less water. During the renovation, nearly 80 percent of all debris removed from the property was recycled and kept out of local landfills.

Many Resource-Saving Initiatives

Some of the more than 90 initiatives in place at the Comfort Inn & Suites Logan International Airport include: composting in the breakfast area, laundry ozone system, green purchasing policies, use of non-toxic cleaners, natural air fresheners, low-VOC paints, Go Green e-mail express Check Out, amenity dispensers for shampoo, lotion and soap, community outreach, and participation in the RecycleBank program.

Additional initiatives include: use of eco-friendly renovation materials such as low VOC wall coverings, adhesives and carpet pads, which improve air quality; driving tips card; guest education and awareness; motion sensor thermostats; super efficient public area lighting (CFLs); vendor misers on all soda machines; efficient Energy Star equipment; Eco-Channel and brochures in guestrooms; double paned low E windows; a PM (preventative maintenance) program to reduce energy consumption and increase equipment longevity; monthly green team meetings; faucet aerators; on-site water filtration; towel and sheet program; toner cartridge recycling; and the purchase of compostable paper cups.

Owned and operated by the third-generation Saunders Hotel Group, the 208-room Comfort Inn near Logan Airport has been committed to ongoing environmental initiatives since its opening in September 2000. Tedd Saunders, Saunders Hotel Group’s chief sustainability officer, sums it up this way: “We are extremely proud that our dedicated team was able to extend the hotel’s industry-leading environmental commitment by looking after our valued guests’ needs while helping protect our unique planet.”

Go to the Comfort Inn & Suites Logan International Airport.