Home Cleaning & Maintenance Green Lodging News Welcomes Force of Nature to Product Directory

Green Lodging News Welcomes Force of Nature to Product Directory


ODESSA, FLA.—Green Lodging News has added Force of Nature to its Green Product & Service Directory in the Cleaning Products/Disinfectants/Laundry category. Force of Nature is a toxic-free multi-purpose cleaning and disinfecting brand that is safe for guests and staff and saves up to 80 percent of cost versus traditional toxic cleaning products. The company’s portable appliances use electricity to convert tap water, salt and vinegar into an all-in-one cleaner, deodorizer, sanitizer, and EPA registered hospital-grade disinfectant as effective as bleach. Force of Nature uses a 60-year-old industrial technology called electrolyzed water, to create two new ingredients: Hypochlorous Acid (the disinfectant) and Sodium Hydroxide (the cleaner).

The Force of Nature systems eliminate 97 percent single-use plastic bottles, is Green Seal certified and is the first certified Carbon Neutral disinfectant in the industry. To learn more, call Dane Poeske at (978) 380-0257, or e-mail dane@forceofnatureclean.com.

Glenn Hasek can be reached at greenlodgngnews@gmail.com.