Home Green Design Victor Group Named Silver Exemplary Member of Sustainable Furnishings Council

Victor Group Named Silver Exemplary Member of Sustainable Furnishings Council


SAINT-GEORGES, QUEBEC—Victor Group, a leading North American textile company, and a leader in the development of environmentally friendly fabrics, has joined the Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) as a Silver Corporate Exemplary Member, earning the distinction of being the first textile manufacturer to join at this level.

The Sustainable Furnishings Council is a nonprofit balanced coalition of industry players founded in High Point, N.C., in October 2006 to promote sustainable practices among manufacturers, retailers, and consumers alike. The SFC recognizes the scientific consensus that the world is experiencing global climate change. SFC members acknowledge the tremendous urgency, and take immediate steps to minimize carbon emissions, waste stream pollutants, un-recyclable content, and primary materials from unsustainable sources from any product platform under their control.

“The Sustainable Furnishings Council was founded on many of the same values and ideals that can be found throughout the Victor Group,” said Beth McInnis, product manager for the Victor Group. “I am looking forward to working with the other members of the Council who share our enthusiasm for innovation and our commitment to environmental stewardship.”

To become a Silver Exemplary member of the SFC, it was necessary for the Victor Group to show that the company’s manufacturing processes and products meet the stringent standards of the SFC, which includes showing that a minimum of 25 percent of their products are made from sustainable materials. The company also had to have in place a Social Equity Code of Conduct for employees, submit a Carbon Footprint Report, show that their supply chain has been impacted by their improvements, and demonstrate compliance with a variety of additional measures of sustainability. Another important aspect of obtaining Exemplary Membership is an objective, third party certification which the Victor Group has achieved with MBDC’s (McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry) Cradle to Cradle Certification.

“We are delighted to have a company with the Victor Group’s reputation and environmental vision join the Sustainable Furnishings Council,” said Susan Inglis, executive director and a founding member of the SFC. “Victor is a proven leader in sustainable textile manufacturing for the contract market, so we are excited to have them bring their experience and expertise to the home furnishings industry that we serve.”

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