Home Kitchen & Laundry Purity Coffee Launches Products Focused on Delivering Health Benefits

Purity Coffee Launches Products Focused on Delivering Health Benefits


GREENVILLE, S.C.—The world’s first health-focused, specialty-grade coffee brand, Purity Coffee, recently announced a product rebranding to better highlight the company’s mission to improve the world’s health, one cup of coffee at a time. Purity Coffee’s team unveiled a new packaging to suit the renaming of its selection of coffees, with the addition of a new roast. The change aligns with Purity’s mission to provide people access to specialty-grade, mold-free, antioxidant-rich, and organic coffees.

In their announcement, Purity Coffee founder and CEO, Andrew Salisbury says, “Over the last six years, we’ve learned so much from our customers, our lab testing, our farmers, and from the ever-advancing scientific studies around coffee and its impact on health. What we do know is that no other coffee company goes to the great lengths we do to make every decision based on health, producing a product with a difference you can feel, not just taste. While all of our coffees are of the highest quality (pesticide-free organic, no mold or mycotoxins, minimal levels of PAH, high in antioxidants) and can generally be enjoyed by everyone, we’ve begun experimenting with different cultivars and specific roast profiles to optimize the levels of certain compounds linked by science to specific health outcomes.”

For their followers, Andrew has this to say: “In keeping with our evolutionary shift, all of our coffees have been renamed to represent the health benefits they provide. These are all the same, great Purity Coffee you know and enjoy, just with an updated logo, look, and improved packaging.”

Name Changes Revealed

Purity Coffee’s original flagship Medium Roast (its most nutrient-dense coffee), will henceforth be called Flow, which promises a clean, sustained energy lift for improved physical and mental performance. Dark Roast, which due to longer roasting leads to reduced chlorogenic acids and an increased pH, making it gentler on the stomach, is now named Ease, delivering a blend that is perfectly balanced to support gut health with prebiotics and low acid to ease digestion. Meanwhile, Decaffeinated Coffee, which delivers a similar flavor and bounty of antioxidants found in the FLOW coffee, while avoiding the caffeine, has taken the name Calm.

The rebranding also marks another milestone for the brand, as it launches its lightest roast (medium-light), Protect, so-named after its liver health benefits. Protect also has the highest antioxidant levels among the four.

Purity Coffee’s effort to bring everyone the cleanest, purest coffee starts with conscious, sustainable, and responsible sourcing of organic, specialty-grade beans. Specialty grade signifies that the coffee has been carefully inspected and sorted to ensure that the beans are free from defects, which allows for a much more even roast—greatly reducing the amount of carcinogenic compounds produced when coffee is roasted unevenly.