Home Energy Management A GreenCity in the Works for Richmond, Virginia Region

A GreenCity in the Works for Richmond, Virginia Region


One of the most interesting sustainability-focused megaprojects in the works currently is called GreenCity and is planned for the Richmond, Virginia metro region. The eco-district project will include commercial, entertainment and residential developments. Two hotels are planned for GreenCity, with the first scheduled to be developed in the initial development sequence, and the second to follow as the market dictates. A 17,000-seat arena is planned. Also included will be retail space and a 40-acre, publicly accessible park system. Transit connections are currently under study, but when completed will allow for easy regional access via bus and other systems.

Some of the project’s goals:

  • Create an inclusive and vibrant community through sustainable uses and infrastructure.
  • Provide for agricultural programs that produce local fresh food grown within the community.
  • Plan for a walkable street network that accommodates diverse ages and abilities using multiple travel modes and shared mobility options.
  • Support flourishing ecosystems, and natural resources of wetlands, streambeds
    Design for a net positive community through efficient water use, efficient building design, technology advancement and renewable energy production.
  • Streets built with a priority for human-powered movement, stormwater management, and continuous tree canopies to reduce urban heat-island effect.
  • A blurring of the natural and built environment through an  emphasis on biophilic design with green roofs, plazas and supporting infrastructure.
  • Ground source and air-source heat pump network + thermal storage – all-electric heating and cooling.
  • Solar Power + battery storage to provide renewable supply, manage demands and improve resilience.
  • Rainwater harvesting from rooftops.
  • Collection of surface runoff for non-potable uses and aquifer recharging.
  • Additionally, strategies will be developed for re-use of grey water, and the potential treatment of black water.
  • Buildings account for approximately 30 percent of Virginia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions. GreenCity will minimize impacts through environmentally efficient construction, occupancy, heating and electricity.
  • GreenCity’s goal is to be zero waste with a minimum diversion of 90 percent. While Arlington County, Virginia has a goal of 90 percent diversion by 2038, GreenCity intends to be at the forefront for reaching this goal sooner.