Home Publisher's Point of View Environment Takes Back Seat to Economic Woes at Annual ALIS Event

Environment Takes Back Seat to Economic Woes at Annual ALIS Event


As an environmental journalist, I have often found hotel investment conferences a little difficult to attend. Why? Almost every seminar and speech is geared toward growth. Here are just a few of the questions on everyone’s mind: What can my company do to grow the number of hotels we finance, build, manage or franchise? Where can I find the financing I need for my new project? Which markets hold the most growth potential? You get the idea. I don’t blame those hotel developers for thinking that way; it is growth that keeps our country competitive, people employed, room stock fresh, etc. What our industry still does not emphasize enough, however, is sustainable growth. At what point is growth bad for our environment?

To many in our industry, sustainability has more to do with staying ahead of new supply growth in a down economy than worrying about the net carbon impact of a pipeline of more than 5,700 new hotels (yes, that is the number of new hotels at some stage of development in the United States, according to a January 2009 Smith Travel Research report).

I attended the Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) in San Diego this past week. It is definitely one of the top investment events of the year. Unfortunately, real sustainability, that which does not have to give up growth or profitability at the expense of the environment, took a back seat to a lot of whining about how bad the last year has been and talk about how long it will take to return to the days when we can all build unsustainable buildings once again. Last year, ALIS spent a lot of time focused on sustainability. This year, when conversation about the upside of green building and operations was needed more than ever, the topic was relegated to just two brief sessions held in a corner of the trade show area during lunch.

Deserving of Center Stage

As editor of Green Lodging News, it is natural that I would want green building, green operations and sustainability to take center stage every year and at every investment conference. But at this point in our industry’s history, with the economy in the dumper and so much wealth and so many jobs at stake, a green, sustainable approach to business is more important than ever.

During the two green sessions that were held at ALIS, there were some statements made by panelists that are worth repeating:

“The growth, momentum and excitement surrounding green [building and operations] has grown more in hospitality than in any other market I have seen,” said Marc Heisterkamp, director, Commercial Real Estate, U.S. Green Building Council. “The premise is that it costs more but what we are seeing is not the case. Don’t buy into the idea that it has to cost more.”

“The green movement is as strong as ever,” added Anna Stark, program manager, Energy Star Commercial Properties, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “We are seeing tremendous growth in the number of hotels tracking energy performance.”

These are great words of hope for an industry that still has a lot to learn about the importance and meaning of sustainable growth.

2009 Greening the Hospitality Industry Conference

I have been asked to moderate a session entitled, “Hotels as Leaders of Sustainable Change” at the 2009 Greening the Hospitality Industry Conference.” The event will be held in Pittsburgh from February 24 to 26 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Click here for more information on the event.

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Green Lodging News Advertising

If you are a supplier selling green products, be sure to call me at (440) 243-2055 to discuss your advertising plans for 2009. Several premium spots are currently available, including the top banner position on the website. A 2009 media kit is now available by request or by clicking here. Thank you to all of those companies that consistently support Green Lodging News.

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As always, I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.