Home Cleaning & Maintenance ABCO Featured Green Seal Certified Mop Heads at ISSA Show

ABCO Featured Green Seal Certified Mop Heads at ISSA Show


MIAMI—ABCO Cleaning Products, a leader in sustainable cleaning tools, participated in the ISSA Show North America Virtual Experience this week and showcased its Green Seal GS-20 Certified Natura Yarn mop heads. The Natura Yarn mop heads are the first and only line of mop heads to achieve Green Seal’s Environmental Innovation Standard, which recognizes product innovations that support the environment.

“We are excited to highlight our Natura Yarn mop heads at the ISSA Show North America Virtual Experience this year,” said Carlos Albir, President, ABCO. “Many businesses are reconsidering their cleaning programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are opportunities to incorporate effective, sustainable cleaning tools that positively impact the planet and the people visiting these commercial facilities.”

Natura Yarn is a transformative product innovation: using a proprietary recycling process, ABCO converts 100 percent post-industrial reclaimed garment waste into branded wet and dry mopping products used for everyday floor cleaning as part of an effective facility cleaning and maintenance program.

To meet the Environmental Innovation Standard, Green Seal says a product should help achieve “significant reduction of human health and environmental impacts compared to products of the same functional class and not previously demonstrated within the product category.” The Natura Yarn mop heads are the only product line of their type to meet that rigorous standard.

“We may not be able to meet for the ISSA Show in person this year, but the interest will still be high in green cleaning innovations, and that is exactly what we deliver with our Natura Yarn mop heads and our wide array of sustainable cleaning tools,” added Albir.

For more information, visit ABCO’s virtual booth here.