Home News & Features Doubletree Hotel Gets Green Lodging Certification from State of Michigan

Doubletree Hotel Gets Green Lodging Certification from State of Michigan


BAY CITY, MICH.—Doubletree Hotels announced that the Doubletree Hotel Bay City-Riverfront has earned Green Lodging Michigan (GLM) Steward certification from the State of Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (DLEG). Green Lodging Michigan encourages hotels, resorts, motels, and bed & breakfast facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving “green” practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchasing.

“This accreditation is the mark of environmental responsibility of hoteliers who are committed to “green” business practices that make environmental and economic goals their top priority,” said DLEG director Keith W. Cooley. “Green Lodging Michigan is also helping to ensure the viability of our lodging facilities and the thousands of jobs related to Michigan’s hospitality industry.”

Doubletree Hotel Bay City-Riverfront has implemented several environmental initiatives. The hotel offers a linen and towel reuse program to guests and has low flow fixtures throughout the facility. Doubletree Hotel also has a comprehensive recycling program and is in the process of conducting an energy audit on the property to help discover ways to improve energy efficiency and cut utility costs.

Emphasis on Positive Impact

“We take great pride in earning the Green Lodging Michigan Steward certification,” said Thomas Kos, general manager of the Doubletree Hotel Bay City-Riverfront. “As a premier hotel in the state of Michigan, we are an organization of caring people who are making a positive difference, leading economically and environmentally.”

Green Lodging Michigan is a joint effort between DLEG and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to encourage the lodging industry to conserve and protect the state’s natural resources while increasing marketability and lowering utility costs.

“Green Lodging Michigan has been an effective way of including hoteliers in the effort to help Michigan continue as the leader in environmental beauty and abundant natural resources,” said Steven E. Chester, director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

Hilton’s Strong Commitment

Doubletree is a member of the Hilton Family of Hotels, which has committed to reducing energy consumption by 20 percent, Co2 emissions by 20 percent, output of waste by 20 percent, and water consumption by 10 percent by 2014. The company also is committed to focusing on high-impact areas, including sustainable buildings and operations, and the advancement of sustainable design and construction, operations, chemical management, purchasing, and to the advancement of renewable energy as a source of power for operations, not only to reduce its carbon footprint but to develop a viable commercial infrastructure for powering its buildings.

Green Lodging Michigan is a voluntary and non-regulatory certification program offered through the Michigan Energy Office in DLEG to hoteliers at no charge. The Michigan Energy Office and the DEQ provide technical assistance to those who are interested in implementing “green” strategies and earning certification. The GLM program certifies facilities based on environmental initiatives such as air quality, energy efficiency, solid waste reduction, toxic waste management, water conservation, purchasing and communication. There are three levels of certification: Partner, Steward, and Leader, which can be earned by completing a self-assessment checklist and achieving a minimum number of requirements and points.

The Michigan Energy Office promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy resource development to Michigan’s residents, businesses, and public institutions. For more information about the Green Lodging Michigan program and to download the GLM application packet and self-assessment checklist, visit the website at www.michigan.gov/greenlodging.

Go to the Doubletree Hotel Bay City-Riverfront.