Home Energy Management Loews Hotels Achieves Better Buildings Goal

Loews Hotels Achieves Better Buildings Goal


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced nearly $11 billion in energy-cost savings by more than 950 public and private sector organizations in DOE’s Better Buildings Initiative. To date, partners have saved nearly 1.8 quadrillion British thermal units of energy, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 27 million homes in America over one year. Among the partners and allies that have achieved their energy goals this year: Loews Hotels & Co. Loews Hotels is the only hotel company to do so. (To learn a bit about Loews’ green policy, click here.)

“Under the Trump Administration, we are turning efficient energy and buildings technologies into tangible cost savings for American businesses and consumers,” said Under Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes. “Our public and private sector partners in the Better Buildings Initiative are using innovation to provide real results in energy efficiency. DOE is proud to partner with industry to realize these savings for the American people.”

The 2020 Better Buildings Progress Report, released at the Better Buildings, Better Plants Virtual Leadership Symposium, details partners’ progress in advancing energy productivity and highlights the 20 organizations that achieved their energy efficiency goals in the past year. DOE also recognized partners that met previous challenge goals and have set new goals to achieve even greater energy efficiency.

“I applaud the significant energy savings, water savings, and financing commitments achieved by our Better Buildings and Better Plants partners,” said Daniel R Simmons, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “These organizations are improving the efficiency of their operations, saving money, and creating a more resilient and flexible portfolio of buildings and manufacturing plants.”

Partners represent 32 of America’s Fortune 100 companies, 12 of the top 25 U.S. employers, 12 percent of the U.S. manufacturing energy footprint, and 13 percent of U.S. commercial building space.

These market leaders are advancing innovative technologies, strengthening U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, and supporting the American workforce while sharing their successes on the Better Buildings Solution Center.