Home Green Design Another Indiana Furniture Facility Recognized for Workplace Safety

Another Indiana Furniture Facility Recognized for Workplace Safety


JASPER, IND.—In living up to one of its core values, Create a Safe and Healthy Work Environment, Indiana Furniture has achieved Indiana Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (INSHARP) certification for its Plywood manufacturing facility, located in Jasper, Ind. Less than 45 Indiana businesses have achieved INSHARP certification and they are recognized as workplace safety and health leaders.

“Our goal every day is to put safety first,” stated Greg Hildenbrand, Safety and Industrial Engineering Manager for Indiana Furniture. “Receiving this certification is a testament to the focus and dedication of our employees. Creating an ongoing safe and healthy mindset throughout the facility has required serious effort on everyone’s part and receiving INSHARP status is a significant achievement.”

To participate in INSHARP, a company must develop, implement, and maintain an exemplary worker safety and health management system and pass a comprehensive evaluation. In addition, the facility’s Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) and Total Recordable Case (TRC) rates must be below the national industry average. For more information about INSHARP, visit www.in.gov/dol/insharp.