Home Waste Management Waste Management—Taking Inspiration from Around the Country

Waste Management—Taking Inspiration from Around the Country


The hotel industry can produce a formidable amount of waste. According to a study of Vietnamese hotels published in August 2018’s Journal of Environmental Management, 2.28kg of waste is produced per guest every day. While waste management practices may be better in the United States, it’s likely that the average guest will consume more.

With federal and state waste management guidelines varying substantially, it turns to hoteliers themselves to tackle the waste management problem head on. The good news is that there is plenty of inspiration. That’s from hotels themselves and from across the commercial waste management spectrum.

The Recycling Question

Recycling is, in theory, an effective green measure, but there are systemic flaws in the U.S. process. For one, recycling is stunted; according to Marriott, which has launched a scheme to improve its own recycling processes, only 22 percent of U.S. water bottles are recycled. Secondly, they are not necessarily recycled as we would imagine. Previously, most recycling was sent to China for processing, but due to their new regulations much is now unsuitable for their processes and rejected for incineration.

Taking a lead in moving plastic waste management forward is Waste Management Inc. They have encouraged residents to make storage or invest in dumpster rental around Coatesville, Pa., through to Falls Township and on to West Virginia, with the express purpose of saving plastic. They have created a private model using innovation to properly recycle their plastic. The hospitality industry can learn from this and become more sustainable by investing in bespoke plastic recycling—it may even come free in some examples.

Water Waste Management

Hotels naturally attract higher levels of wastewater. Swimming pools, large scale laundry and plumbing all cause higher levels than in some other commercial ventures. High technology is being used to help combat this with a particular focus on Maryland. A solar powered cleaning robot has helped to clean Baltimore rivers of high levels of pollution and in a public-friendly way that benefits awareness. According to city authority data, hundreds of thousands of items, including commercial detritus, have been scoured from the river using the eco-friendly bot.

Wet waste management also extends to the chemicals used in washing. Adverse reactions in water can lead to algal bloom which can cause disastrous consequences for the ecosystems of our waterways. According to CBS, hotels in Venice Beach have committed to using high-tech eco-friendly detergents that prevent algal bloom, which is especially important given the scarcity of water in the region.

Managing the waste of your hotel in a responsible way encompasses proper disposal of solids, responsible flushing of water without chemicals and care for the water your hotel uses. The country has plenty of great examples in businesses all over the nation that set a great example for green lodging owners. Taking ideas from each area will make your waste management operation effective and environmentally positive.