Home Air Quality New 2007-2008 Chemically Safer Travel Directory Now Available

New 2007-2008 Chemically Safer Travel Directory Now Available


PEMBROKE PINES, FLA.—The Chemically Safer Travel Directory, a guide for health-conscious travelers with sensitivities to chemicals, is now available. It features 658 listings (314 of which are new). Each listing represents a less-toxic place to vacation and stay in the United States, Canada and other countries.

The “Safer” in Safer Travel Directory was inspired by the 1995 movie “Safe,” in which the main character inexplicably becomes allergic to the 20th century. Twentieth Century Disease (also known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) is a very real disability with no cure. It is brought about by some 60,000 chemicals present in our environment, many of which have devastating effects on MCS sufferers.

Founder Nancy Westrom compiled the Safer Travel Directory out of her frustration with traveling. She was sickened by chemicals found in carpeting, wallpaper, new furniture, cleaning products, and pesticides. While staying in typical motels, she experienced a variety of disturbing symptoms, such as disabling muscle and joint pain, and painful headaches. This experience inspired her to launch the Safer Travel Directory about nine years ago. It lists chemically safer motels, hotels and real estate.

Nancy passed away on March 6, 2007 after a short battle with cancer. Her family is continuing the process of updating the Safer Travel Directory.

Click here for more information or e-mail Christie Parkhurst at safertravel@hotmail.com.