Home Publisher's Point of View Michigan, Wisconsin Lead Effort to Ban Smoking in Public Buildings

Michigan, Wisconsin Lead Effort to Ban Smoking in Public Buildings


Two states down and just 48 more to go. As reported here at Green Lodging News this past week, over the past five months two states—Michigan and Wisconsin—have totally banned smoking in lodging establishments. Yes, even in all guestrooms guests are not permitted to smoke. As editor of a green publication, I can only applaud the action of legislators in those two states to finally eliminate smoking in guestrooms.

I spoke with the president and CEO of the Michigan Lodging and Tourism Association and the president and CEO of the Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association this past week and they told me their organizations resisted and lobbied against the bans (see article). That is not surprising; it is their jobs to represent all of their members and many hoteliers were just not ready to take the 100 percent nonsmoking step. I suspect many believe the state government or any other government has no right to interfere in what hoteliers can or cannot allow on their properties.

What do you think about these bans? Do you agree with them? Disagree?

It would be so refreshing to me (and shocking for that matter) to see our industry’s leaders come out in support of statewide smoking bans in lodging establishments. It would prove to me that they have finally gotten it when it comes to indoor air quality, the link between public (and employee) health and smoking, and green building. Why don’t you all demand this type of leadership from your associations and corporations? It IS almost 2011, 47 years since the Surgeon General’s report on the dangers of smoking. Of course there have been many reports on the dangers of second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke since.

Signage Requirements

For those in Michigan and Wisconsin affected by the smoking bans, the lodging associations in those states are doing what they can to alert members about signage they need to post and how to handle those who violate the laws.

They may not want to admit it now but someday the leaders of the associations in Michigan and Wisconsin will brag about being in the states that were the first to eliminate smoking 100 percent in lodging establishments statewide (wishful thinking?). If they were smart, they would already be figuring out a way to use the clean air legislation as a marketing advantage.

I have written a lot about smoking in hotels in the past (some I am sure would say too much) but it is still an issue worth addressing. Too many employees are still impacted by the toxins that smokers leave behind and too many Americans are still dying from smoking-related illnesses—medical costs that we all have to pay for.

I will look forward to receiving your comments at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.

See You in New York?

I will be attending the International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show in New York City. The event will be held from November 13 to 16 at the Javits Center. If you plan to attend or exhibit at the show, be sure to let me know. Approximately 700 exhibitors and 30,000 attendees are expected.

Off the show floor, seminars will address everything from adapting to new consumer attitudes and online customer interaction, to powering up profits and developing winning sales strategies. Be sure to catch “Green Certified Demystified” on Sunday, November 14, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., featuring AH&LA green consultant Pat Maher. This program will address the process and criteria for the top green certification programs, including LEED, Energy Star and Green Key Global.

For more information about the International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show, click here.

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