Home Cleaning & Maintenance GLN Adds Advanced Vapor Technologies Video to Home Page

GLN Adds Advanced Vapor Technologies Video to Home Page


ODESSA, FLA.—Green Lodging News has added a new video from Advanced Vapor Technologies to the Featured Vendor Video section of its website home page. The video explains the technology at the heart of the company’s steam vapor cleaning systems—TANCS. TANCS stands for Thermal Accelerated Nano Crystal Sanitation, a factory-installed internal component that uses the minerals found in tap water to break down pathogens at a molecular level including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It is designed to kill microscopic organic matter in just seconds.

In a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, researchers in the School of Environmental Health at the University of Michigan found that TANCS-equipped steam vapor systems achieve a greater bacterial biofilm kill rate in 3 seconds than a 20-minute exposure to bleach. The company’s continuous refill system allows water to be added at any time. Simply open the reservoir cap, which is not pressurized. The boiler still holds superheated steam when water is sought from the reservoir. This allows one to work non-stop.

To learn more about Advanced Vapor Technologies, go to https://www.advap.com/ or call (800) 997-6584.

Glenn Hasek can be reached at greenlodgingnews@gmail.com.