Established in 1975, American Window Film, Inc., a 3M Authorized Window Film Dealer—Prestige Dealer Network, sells and installs quality 3M™ Window Films that reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use by reducing heat loss, heat gain and energy consumption. Many of our films meet LEED Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisites and qualify for LEED credits. (Please visit our website—at the bottom of our home page—to request our e-Catalog that includes LEED rating information for specific 3M™ Window Films.) In addition, the National Fenestration Rating Council has certified a range of the 3M™ Window Films. NFRC certification provides affirmation that 3M’s films meet rigid energy performance factors.
American Window Film, Inc. seeks the best resources and tools to better serve our customers. For large projects, we use EFilm, an energy simulation/analysis program supported by the DOE. EFilm allows the input of more variable data than past programs—enabling a more accurate prediction of energy usage and savings before and after window film installation. Our window film applications include Energy Conservation, Safety and Security, UV/Fade Reduction, Glare Reduction, Night Vision, Anti-Graffiti and Architectural/Designer Films.
Our success and reputation in the field is a result of a solid foundation consisting of quality products, knowledgeable sales representatives, professionally trained installers and excellent customer service. American Window Film, Inc is proud to be a Founding Sponsor of Green Lodging News—a valuable resource for information on green trends, products and services available to the lodging industry. Call (800) 274-8468 or e-mail for more information.