Home Cleaning & Maintenance Waterless Offers Tips to Green Restrooms

Waterless Offers Tips to Green Restrooms


VISTA, CALIF.—Surprisingly, one area often overlooked as a facility becomes greener and more sustainable is the restroom. Yet more water is used in restrooms than virtually any other area of a facility, and because water and energy are interconnected, water consumption increases the amount of energy necessary to power a facility.

In addressing this issue, Klaus Reichardt, CEO and president of Waterless Co Inc., offers the following suggestions to make commercial restrooms greener and more sustainable:

•    Lighting: Restroom lighting is often on 24 hours a day. Install motion sensors to turn off lights when the restroom is not used.
•    Lightbulbs: Replace conventional lightbulbs with energy-efficient lighting.
•    Cleaning: Virtually all cleaning chemicals used for cleaning restrooms now have certified-green equivalents; use only green cleaning chemicals and products.
•    Water faucets: Install sensors. Studies indicate sensors that turn water on only when needed can reduce water consumption by as much as 70 percent.
•    Hand dryers: A public restroom used by 200 people a day may use enough paper towels to fill a six-foot-tall grocery sack. Provide hand towels or electric hand dryers to eliminate this waste.
•    Fixtures: Install fixtures that surpass current federal mandates. Some new toilets use 1.28 gallons of water per flush, and no-water urinals save thousands of gallons of water per year per urinal.*
•    Recyclables: Station recycling bins in restrooms. Many paper products used in restrooms can be recycled.
•    Leaks: Search for leaks and fix them. Just one intermittent dripping faucet can waste three gallons of water per day, a total of 1,095 gallons a year.

“Restrooms are highly visible areas,” adds Reichardt. “A green and sustainable restroom shows a facility is doing more than talking green; it’s making green and sustainable part of the way it does business.”

*Current federal regulations require that toilets use no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush and urinals about 1 gallon per flush.