Home Energy Management Owners of Three Resorts Purchase Renewable Energy Certificates

Owners of Three Resorts Purchase Renewable Energy Certificates


LUDLOW, VT.—Tim and Diane Mueller, owners of Okemo Mountain Resort in Vermont, Mount Sunapee Resort in New Hampshire, and Crested Butte Mountain Resort in Colorado, have entered into an agreement with Gunnison County Electric Assn. to purchase 27 million kilowatt hours of Renewable Energy Certificates from Sterling Planet, one of the United States’ leading retail renewable energy providers.

Gunnison County Electric Assn. is a member owned, nonprofit cooperative located in Colorado. The amount of kilowatt hours represents enough renewable power to fully offset the annual use of electricity by the Mueller’s three resorts.

“Protection of the environment is one of our core values,” says Tim Mueller. “It is also very important to our guests. We have the ability to demonstrate that Okemo, Mount Sunapee and Crested Butte are good community and corporate citizens working toward energy independence for America through clean, renewable sources like wind energy.”

The purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates will supply the Muellers’ three resorts with enough energy to power all electrical needs for the next year. It will save an estimated 18,800 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. This is equivalent to emissions produced by the annual electricity consumption of approximately 2,200 average homes or carbon dioxide emissions associated with the combustion of 1.9 million gallons of gasoline.

Additionally, the Muellers will participate in Sterling Planet’s innovative program, Investment for the Greater Good, a collaborative partnership between the Colorado Governor’s Office of Energy Management and Conservation, and Sterling Planet, to reinvest in Colorado-based renewable energy resources.

Green Energy Will Cost More

“We believe in investing in our future, the environment and reducing our nation’s dependency on foreign oil,” Mueller says. “It’s the right thing to do. We will be paying a 10 percent premium on the purchase amount of renewable energy certificates for Crested Butte to promote Colorado wind energy development.”

The benefits of this purchase extend far beyond the environment, according to Mel Jones, president and c.e.o. of Sterling Planet.

“Buying Renewable Energy Certificates also boosts energy diversity, stimulates the renewable energy market and benefits local economies in the vicinity of renewable energy generators,” Jones says. “Sterling Planet is pleased to team with the Muellers, offering a way to demonstrate their environmental leadership and establish a model precedent.”

“Expanding the market for renewable energy is a key part of our efforts to ensure a responsible, sustainable and affordable energy future,” says Vermont Governor Jim Douglas. “I was pleased to work with utilities to establish clean and ‘green’ energy rates, allowing environmentally conscious consumers like Okemo Mountain Resort to purchase electricity solely from clean, renewable sources that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as our nation’s dependence on foreign oil.”

The Muellers’ purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates is just one example of their commitment to community, the environment and energy independence. For more information, go to www.okemo.com, www.mountsunapee.com, and www.skicb.com.