Home Sales & Marketing Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Now Offering Wrapped Disc

Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Now Offering Wrapped Disc


FAIRFIELD, N.J.—Green & Black’s Organic chocolate, a division of Cadbury, is now offering an individually wrapped chocolate disc specifically designed for the hospitality and food service industries—thanks to Strategic Green Incentives, a division of NouveautesUSA, Inc.

In addition to the chocolate amenity, Strategic Green Incentives has designed a Towel Reuse Program with Green & Black’s Organic chocolate. Strategic Green Incentives is focused on creating programs that prompt travelers to participate. Customized and co-branded tent cards and postcards distributed with Green & Black’s Organic chocolate carry the message that supports a property’s sustainability initiative while reducing water and energy costs.

Distributed exclusively by Strategic Green Incentives, the chocolates are available in milk and dark chocolate 4.4 gram discs. Each piece is individually foil wrapped and imprinted “USDA certified.” In addition to being available in bulk, they can be repackaged in custom designed boxes or bags for display and gift giving.

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