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Host Hotels & Resorts Publishes 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report, Introduces 2050 CR Vision


BETHESDA, MD.—Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc., the nation’s largest lodging real estate investment trust, released its 2022 Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report, which details the Company’s CR program and responsible investment strategy along with its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, progress and industry-leading accomplishments. Additionally, the 2022 CR Report introduces the framework for the Company’s 2050 CR vision.

“It was a milestone year for Host’s social initiatives—especially our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging—and we continued to lead on the environmental front,” said Joanne Hamilton, Executive Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Responsibility. “While we continue to make significant progress toward our social and environmental targets, we are looking beyond 2025 and taking steps for Host to contribute to a more sustainable world. We are excited to share our 2050 aspiration of becoming a net positive company, along with our progress across business and society-critical issues.”

Now in its fifth edition, the 2022 CR Report also features expanded Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) indices as well as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) Report, which provides a demographic breakdown of the company’s workforce.

Notable ESG Achievements Highlighted Within the Report

  • Continued investments in sustainability toward its emissions reduction target verified by Science Based Targets initiative at the 1.5-degree Celsius level of ambition.
  • Third green bond issuance bringing the total raised to $1.85 billion to invest in sustainability ROI projects and LEED-certified hotels.
  • Two new LEED-certified properties and one LEED EBOM Gold recertification for a total of nine LEED-certified properties (including three LEED Gold hotels as well as Host’s corporate headquarters).
  • A total of 90+ EV chargers installed at over 30 hotels.
  • Launch of Host’s diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) program and women’s employee resource group; and establishment of partnerships with several local and national organizations to further support and give back to Black and Brown communities.
  • Two-year, $500,000 pledge in support of the Arne M. Sorenson Hospitality Fund and the Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership at Howard University.
  • A total of 166 charities supported including nearly 100 employee-selected community investments.
  • Launch of second, expanded Supplier Excellence Survey in addition to launch of Supplier Diversity Survey to all strategic suppliers.
  • Comprehensive update to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) assessment.

To learn more, read the 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report and view the Corporate Responsibility pages on the company website.