Home Cleaning & Maintenance The Rooms Chronicle, EI Collaborate on New Textbook

The Rooms Chronicle, EI Collaborate on New Textbook


LANSING, MICH.—The new textbook, Managing Housekeeping Operations, Revised Third Edition, represents a collaboration between the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) and The Rooms Chronicle (TRC), a leading hotel rooms management publication and website. The book includes articles written by Glenn Hasek, publisher and editor of Green Lodging News.

The revised housekeeping book was co-authored by TRC’s founder, Aleta A. Nitschke, CHA, and TRC’s executive editor, William D. Frye, Ph.D., CHE, associate professor, College of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Niagara University. The book includes housekeeping operations-related content and excerpts from more than 100 The Rooms Chronicle articles, with content contributed by hospitality experts including Ray Ellis, Jr., Dr. John Hogan, Phil Sprague, Mary Friedman, and Gail Edwards.

Managing Housekeeping Operations, Revised Third Edition, shows readers what it takes to direct the daily operations of the housekeeping department, from big-picture management issues to technical details for cleaning each area. The new edition features more than 100 pages of new content and two new chapters, reflecting the extensive changes in the hotel industry.

New and updated information in this edition includes discussions of: post- 9/11 security concerns; amenities and guestroom furnishings (bathrobes, triple sheeting, higher thread counts, “bed wars,” pillow menus, wireless Internet, etc.); human resources (diversity, recruitment challenges, immigration reform laws, turnover, selection and interviewing); “green” housekeeping (microfiber mops, reusing linens/towels, chemical use, green lighting, etc.); and health concerns (bedbugs, mold, viral outbreaks).

Go to www.ei-ahla.org.