Home Air Quality Air Purifier Incorporates Potted Plant to Filter Out VOCs, Odors & More

Air Purifier Incorporates Potted Plant to Filter Out VOCs, Odors & More


PORDENONE, ITALY—It has long been known that certain types of plants are effective indoor air cleaners—Spider Plants, Dracaena, and Boston Fern are a few examples. Vitesy, an Italy-based company, has combined the power of plants with cutting-edge technology and design to create a natural air purifier that removes air pollution and analyzes indoor air quality. Natede is the name of the product that utilizes the roots of a plant and a photocatalytic filter covered with titanium dioxide to capture and eliminate VOCs, viruses, odors, and bacteria. The technological core of Natede pumps the air through the roots where harmful substances are converted into nourishment for the plant.

Natede features sensors that can accurately measure the temperature and humidity, as well as pollutants (VOCs), fine particulates (PM2.5), and carbon monoxide (CO). Natede Premium includes an additional sensor for carbon dioxide (CO2). Natede’s mobile app dashboard shows real-time monitoring of the IAQ (Internal Air Quality). One can use the app to control the purifier’s power level. The wave frequency changes depending on the IAQ levels. Natede can connect to smart home devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home. It directly reports the quality of the air one breathes, and one can manage it with voice commands.

Natede has a proximity sensor that allows one to turn it ON and OFF by simply moving one’s hand close to it. Natede has a bright heart that beats flat or fast depending on the level of the indoor air quality. When it features a fixed light, air quality is excellent.

Includes Self-Watering System

Natede includes a self-watering system that helps to further reduce water consumption; its water tank can bring water to the plant for about a month.

According to Rossana Tubaro, PR & Events for Vitesy, Natede was launched on Kickstarter last year. “We received $1 million in pre-orders,” she says. “We are working on delivering the pre-ordered product.”

Natede filters 36 cubic meters of air each three hours. Part of it is made from recycled plastic and beech wood.

Tubaro says buyers of Natede supply their own plant. Fifteen different types of plants work best. “Only some plants can purify the air,” Tubaro says.

The only maintenance required is the monthly watering and the washing and rinsing of the photocatalytic filter every three months.

Glenn Hasek can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.