Home News Blog Earth Hour, Earth Day: Opportunities to Showcase Your Green Commitment

Earth Hour, Earth Day: Opportunities to Showcase Your Green Commitment


Two Earth holidays are coming up soon. First, Earth Hour is planned for Saturday, March 30 at 8:30 p.m. local time. Second, Earth Day will be held on Monday, April 22. What is your property or company planning for these two occasions? They are perfect opportunities to showcase your sustainability initiatives and to volunteer to help a local school or other organization. You may even want to have an Earth festival, as some properties have done in the past. Or, extend the celebration over a week’s time. Earth Hour is more conducive to a turning out the lights, lighting candles type of affair but Earth Day can be part of a larger event. For Earth Hour hotels in the past have come up with special Earth Hour cocktails or held hikes under the stars. In some cities, Las Vegas for example, hotels have joined up with other hotels or businesses to collaborate on a dim/turn off the lights ceremony. Search the Green Lodging News website on “Earth Hour” or “Earth Day” to find some activity examples. And, if you are planning an event, be sure to let me know. I can be reached at editor@greenlodgingnews.com.