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More on Our First Annual Green Lodging Survey


To what degree does climate change drive you to make operational improvements and investments? Do you provide preferred parking locations for guests and staff driving fuel efficient vehicles (hybrids, electric vehicles)? Do bathroom fans include humidity sensors to shut them off when no longer needed? These are just a few examples of questions included in the Green Lodging Survey that just went “live” today and that will close on August 31. Green Lodging News partnered with Greenview to produce the survey. There are 108 questions to complete. Some of the questions require simply a yes or no answer. Others require you to write an answer. Some of the questions require checking a box. If you own or operate a lodging establishment, please take the time to complete the survey. After the survey closes, a Trends Report will be produced that will analyze the results with general trends and highlight exemplary practices and innovations that stand out. Survey participants will receive a compare report confidential to each participant, to serve as a yardstick for a property to understand the status of each specific practice within the general participant universe.

If, while going through the survey you think of a question that should have been asked this year but was not, write it down and send it to me. Likewise, if you see a question that you believe should not be in the survey, let me know. Of course you should explain why. We want this survey to be a collaboration and a document that gets better over time.

In addition to completing the survey, please be sure to support our sponsors: The Arbor Day Foundation, Aquawing Ozone Laundry Systems, reCollect2 Co., and Pineapple Hospitality. And finally, if you are interested in sponsoring the survey, there are opportunities at four levels—Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. For sponsorship information, click here. You may also contact me, Glenn Hasek, Publisher & Editor of Green Lodging News, at (813) 510-3868, or by e-mail at editor@greenlodgingnews.com. For technical assistance with the survey, contact Eric Ricaurte, Founder & CEO, Greenview, at (202) 470-1094, or eric@greenview.sg.