Home Vendor News GLN Adds Harris Pillow Supply Vendor Case Study to Website

GLN Adds Harris Pillow Supply Vendor Case Study to Website


CLEVELAND, OHIO—Hasek Communications, the Cleveland, Ohio-based publisher of Green Lodging News, has added a new case study to the Green Lodging News website. The case study details how Kingley, Iowa-based Kraft Pillow Cleaning and the French Quarter Inn, Charleston, S.C., have benefited from using Harris Pillow Supply’s Pillow-Vac machine.

The Pillow-Vac is designed specifically for pillow renovating. It uses an ozone-emitting germicidal light to kill bacteria, sanitize and deodorize the filling. The old pillow is cut open and emptied into a tumble chamber which has rotating brushes that expose everything to germicidal lights while breaking up clumps that have formed. It fluffs up the down clusters and sifts out the dust that has been trapped in the pillow. If it is a feather and/or down pillow, more new filling is added to bring it back to the density of a new pillow. At the end of the cycle all the filling is blown back into a new, 100 percent cotton feather- and down-proof ticking. The entire process takes an average of three to four minutes per pillow at an average cost of 25 percent of replacement cost.

To access the case study, click here. For additional information on Harris Pillow Supply’s Pillow-Vac, call (800) 845-8240, e-mail john@harrispillow.com, or go to www.harrispillow.com.