Home Green Design Turkish Towel Co. Introduces Line of Certified Organic Towels

Turkish Towel Co. Introduces Line of Certified Organic Towels


BOSTON—The Turkish Towel Co. has introduced a new line of certified organic towels to help American hotels, spas and consumers opt for a more Earth-friendly option. In fact, two luxury boutique hotels opening in the spring have already placed orders to ensure their guests have plush towels that do not have a negative impact on the environment.

Cotton uses approximately 25 percent of the world’s insecticides and, according to a recent study, is responsible for approximately 16 percent of global pesticides—more than any other crop. As consumers look for greener products, the hotel and spa industry will have to change the way it does business.

“Only 0.15 percent of all the world’s cotton is guaranteed to be pesticide free,” said Barton Brass, president of The Turkish Towel Co. “We are proud to be able to offer a line of cotton towels that have been certified by GOTS. And because they are Turkish cotton, the towels are softer and last longer.”

Turkey is Leading Grower

Turkey, more than any country, has the most experience producing organic textile product, and is the largest organic cotton producing/growing country in the world.

GOTS is an international, independent organization that ensures that products are cultivated according to sustainable production methods by means of supervising, testing, inspecting, assessing and certifying them. GOTS is one of the foremost certifiers of organic cotton and its standards are among the most stringent.

The new line of organic towels includes towel sets, bath towels, bath sheets, hand towels, washcloths and bath mats. The collection is available at www.turktowel.com/organiccottontow.html.