Home News & Features Lenox Hotel Now Offering Curbside Car Charging Station

Lenox Hotel Now Offering Curbside Car Charging Station


BOSTON—The Lenox Hotel, a global hospitality leader in eco initiatives, announced recently that it will sponsor and host Boston’s first commercial curbside charging station for electric cars on Exeter Street. The Lenox Hotel recently unveiled the electronic vehicle charging stations in a special ceremony.

The move, in conjunction with Voltrek, is intended to create a new guest incentive while also generating eco awareness for passersby on the high-traffic corner where the hotel is perched.

“We’re hoping to lead the charge by inspiring more electric vehicles to hit the road,” said Lenox’s brand ambassador Scott Grigelevich.

Guests with EVs will receive complimentary valet parking as well as a free charge upon arrival. General public may also enjoy a free charge for the modest fee of Lenox valet service.

“Lenox’s Green Team remains committed to promoting a sustainable environment in our community and considering a third of the nation’s greenhouse gases come from transportation, and 60 percent of that is from personal vehicle use, EVs really can reduce our carbon footprint,” said Lenox’s director of Environmental Programs, Scot Hopps.

Click here for a complete list of Lenox’s green initiatives.