Home Energy Management IPSO Launches New Hardmount IWF Line of Washer-Extractors

IPSO Launches New Hardmount IWF Line of Washer-Extractors


RIPON, WISC.—With its new IWF series of washer-extractors, IPSO continues to produce not only high-quality equipment, but machines that take a more environmentally friendly approach to laundry. This new energy- and water-efficient line includes 14-, 18-, 25-, 30-, 40-, 55- and 75-pound models.

“We couldn’t be more excited about the IWF series and what it brings to the market,” says Dan Bowe, North American sales manager of IPSO USA. “From high-speed G-force extraction to inverter drives, these IWF models can help on-premises laundries save money. Best of all, laundries that add the washer-extractors are adopting a greener approach to operations.”

The IWF series boasts up to a 165 G-force extract cycle. This high spin speed removes significantly more water from loads and cuts drying time. As a result, gas consumption is dramatically reduced. In addition, an inverter drive enables the machine to ramp up to the high speeds, eliminating unnecessary and inefficient current draws.

IPSO’s welded A-frame construction delivers the strength and support to minimize vibrations. User-friendly control options make it easy to set and adjust wash programs as well as train laundry staff to operate the washer-extractor. The microprocessor control also can yield 40 to 50 percent in water savings versus washer-extractors with electromechanical controls.

For more information, visit www.ipsousa.com.