Home Energy Management Green Lodging News Welcomes ffuuss to Product & Service Directory

Green Lodging News Welcomes ffuuss to Product & Service Directory


MIAMI—Green Lodging News welcomes ffuuss to its Green Product & Service Directory in the “Hand Dryers” category.

Organizations like the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Johns Hopkins Medicine clearly state: hand dryers equal hand hygiene. The most effective way to reduce the risk of infection is to wash your hands with soap and water, then drying your hands is crucial for good hygiene, because wet skin provides a hospitable environment for microorganisms and, as a result, can increase probability of transmitting pathogens.

FFUUSS hand dryers contain a high-quality HEPA H13 filter with 99.97 percent efficiency to ensure hand drying with clean air. These are designed to prevent bacteria from being kicked out of the dryer. Additionally, FFUUSS hand dryers have no joints where dirt and germs accumulate and have been coated with an antibacterial additive called Biomaster, with active silver ion technology ingredient that inhibits the growth of germs, making FFUUSS hand dryers more hygienic throughout their useful life, effectively and permanently.

According to ffuuss, it focuses on hygiene, sustainability, functionality, efficiency and design. Call (305) 400-0622, e-mail sales-usa@ffuuss.com, or click here for more information.