Home Vendor News GLN Adds Green-Key™ Paperboard Keycard Case Study to Website

GLN Adds Green-Key™ Paperboard Keycard Case Study to Website


CLEVELAND, OHIO—Green Lodging News has added its third case study to its new Vendor Case Studies section (click here to go to it). The case study focuses on the Boulder Outlook Hotel & Suites and its recent transition from traditional PVC plastic hotel keycards to Green-Key™ paperboard keycards.

Green-Key™ is an environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional plastic hotel keycard. Unlike plastic keycards, Green-Key™ is recyclable, biodegradable and produced from paperboard, a renewable resource. Its paperboard construction also makes it an economical choice by eliminating the cost barrier that many high priced eco-friendly products have.

Green-Key™ was developed to address several opportunities in the keycard market. PVC plastic is an extremely damaging material that is manufactured using large amounts of chlorine. When produced or incinerated, it releases known carcinogens and toxins, such as dioxins. Existing alternatives to PVC plastic keycards such as, recycled plastic, biodegradable and corn starch based cards, are environmentally friendly but are much more expensive. The developers of Green-Key™ found no need for keycards to be made of indestructible and toxic PVC plastic when most guests treat their keycards as a disposable item.

For more information, call (800) 991-7225, e-mail info@greenkeycard.com, or go to www.greenkeycard.com.