Home Cleaning & Maintenance America’s Best Inns & Suites, Country Hearth Inns To Offer EcoRooms

America’s Best Inns & Suites, Country Hearth Inns To Offer EcoRooms


ATLANTA—With concern for our nation’s environment and conservation of its natural resources on the rise, today’s travelers want a safer, more healthy and sustainable experience while on the road. Now, two hotel chains—America’s Best Inns & Suites and Country Hearth Inns—will feature a green initiative known as EcoRooms with products that are energy efficient, water efficient, waste reducing, and non-toxic and/or biodegradable. The systemwide program was announced by America’s Best Franchising Inc., franchisor of the hotel brands.

“EcoRooms are more comfortable for guests and more cost-effective for hotels,” says Doug Collins, chairman and CEO of America’s Best Franchising Inc. and its subsidiaries. “This is a win-win program for everyone because green is good for guests, good for the environment and good for the bottom line.”

“This is the first time that an entire hotel chain has made the commitment to EcoRooms and to protecting the environment,” says Dan Bornholdt, president of Green Suites International, which is partnering with America’s Best Franchising to supply EcoRooms. “EcoRooms are 50 percent more energy efficient, 40 percent more water efficient, and safer and healthier for both guests and room attendants.”

For guests, EcoRooms provide a better overall hotel experience:

• Cleaning products are odorless and guestrooms are fragrance-free.
• Shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion amenities are natural and hypoallergenic.
• Showerheads are vibrant and revitalizing.
• Lighting is superior for easier reading and there are motion sensor nightlights.
• Guests feel good about being environmentally-correct.

For the environment, there is less pollution, water and waste:

• Cleaning and maintenance supplies are non-toxic.
• Amenities dispensers, used instead of plastic bottles, reduce waste.
• Sinks, showers and toilets are all water-efficient with special showerheads, sink aerators and diverter valves.
• Lighting is energy-efficient and there are digital programmable thermostats.
• Hotels adopt a linen and towel re-use program.
• Recycling receptacles for paper and plastic products are placed throughout the hotel.

Before instituting EcoRooms in all its hotels, America’s Best Franchising ran a pilot program at two Country Hearth Inns hotels, with positive response from both guests and hotel operators.

“EcoRooms provide guests with improved comfort and a better night’s sleep,” says Nancy Anderson, general manager of the Fitzgerald, Ga. Country Hearth Inn, a test hotel. “Guests feel good about using products to help the environment, employees feel like they are contributing, and the hotel is saving money.”

Go to America’s Best Franchising or Green Suites International.